Badassadors of living life golden

BC Serna

Jeff Scult, Founder, Designer, and CEO of One Golden Thread sat down on his podcast, Drops of Gold, with BC Serna , a passionate purposeful...

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Alec Vishal Rouben

Introducing OGT Badassador Alec Vishal Rouben: Connection Catalyst & Global Golden Citizen. Alec is a multi-faceted entrepreneur that accesses ranges of impact into communities involving Health, Wellness,...

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Gilmar Gomes

Introducing our OGT Badassador Gilmar Gomes: A Melodic Rhythm Creator Spreading Harmony Through Sustainable Fashion Meet Gilmar, a recording artist, touring musician, and percussionist who...

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Paul Chek

In this engaging podcast, Bio-harmonist Paul Chek and Fashion Proactivist Jeff Scult explore the essence of One Golden Thread. The conversation is a refreshing break...

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Malik Yusef

Malik Yusef is an accomplished musician, poet, and environmental activist. As an eight-time Grammy winner, he has made a name for himself as a force...

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Katarina Benzova | Mission11

As I’ve watched as life on our planet has become increasingly more fragile, I used to think — I’m just one person, how do I...

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Ricki ~ "Kindness"

The consummate UnderDog "KINDNESS IS KING." Ricki Lake is a self-taught treasure for transformation, a humble teacher in the living art of “no doubt” by...

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What is an OGT Badassador?

We celebrate creators. Those who live their life golden, whose unique gifts lift and inspire those around them to discover and share theirs.   108 is...

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Healer + Revealer : Harry

Harry is a Shaman who travels the world offering access to the inner world of peace in the midst of the city and all its...

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