BC Serna

Jeff Scult, Founder, Designer, and CEO of One Golden Thread sat down on his podcast, Drops of Gold, with BC Serna , a passionate purposeful coach and leader for humans to live their highest vibrational selves.

BC Serna has spent the last decade traveling to over 80 countries worldwide, working with people, companies, and non-profit organizations. He’s been teaching and leading people on how to heal their hearts, awaken their souls, and become the most radical and loving truest versions of themselves.

Everything he couldn’t find within community, content, events, or mentorship he ended up creating around him to share with the world. From his purposeful community projects like The Traveling Good, to Pursuing Purpose, to his online audience of over 100k love tribe members,  he’s just beginning his story, and inviting us into ours. 

BC is the embodiment of humility and honoring life with extreme gratitude. From living in a Van to his beautiful life lakeside in North Carolina, BC reminds us that living life golden is a choice — within.

BC is the blessed husband to wife Isa, and the father to sons Phoenix and Koa. A life of infinite rising!

An excerpt from BC’s Drops of Gold Podcast:

Jeff Scult (Founder, One Golden Thread): Before we wrap up this incredible conversation, which I know won't be our last, I have to compliment you. You always look fresh on your IG. What are you wearing? :)

BC Serna (Coach for Leaders): Oh, don’t even get me started, brother. My relationship with clothes has changed since discovering One Golden Thread. It feels natural and comfortable. It's like achieving the ultimate goal in clothing—comfort. One Golden Thread nails it by making you look good while being comfortable. I used to look too casual, like a surfer dude, but now I find this perfect blend of style and comfort.

Jeff: That's powerful. The clothes we wear can carry a vibration and energy. Cheap clothes often come with a hidden cost, like exploitation. What’s your take on that?

BC: Absolutely. Cheap clothes carry cheap energy. They often involve child labor or underpaid workers. I've seen it firsthand in Bangladesh, India, and China. When you buy quality clothing, you're not just investing in fabric, but in a higher vibration and confidence. It's a big part of healing and living authentically.

Jeff: Exactly. Our bodies have millions of sensors, and the clothes we wear can either enhance or diminish our sensory experience. We’re not just selling clothes; we’re creating a uniform for conscious living. What’s your approach to clothing now?

BC: I’ve simplified it. I have a few tops and pants from One Golden Thread that I wear every day. It’s about ease and comfort. When people compliment me, I tell them they’re about to be comfortable and look good. It's the best of both worlds. Your mission is reflected in every piece.

Jeff: We're not here to sling clothes; we’re here to clothe the kingly souls. It’s about transcending transactions and creating meaningful connections. How has this approach influenced your work?

BC: I remind people that the goal of creating a product is to connect with someone's heart. Whether it's a hoodie, a hat, or coffee, the true purpose is connection. It’s easy to get caught up in sales and margins, but if you remember that connection is the end goal, you’ll enjoy the journey much more.

Jeff: That’s a beautiful reminder. We’ve launched our flagship experiential retail store on Abbot Kinney, creating a space for connection, community, and experiences. It’s all about coming together and sparking something meaningful.

BC: Absolutely. If you're starting a company, focus on connection. The journey will be much more fulfilling. Thank you for having me on Drops of Gold. It's been an honor.

Jeff: Thank you, BC. It takes a village to nourish a dream. Until next time.

BC: Until next time.

Watch the entire Drop Of Gold podcast episode here.




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