Where do threads originate? And how deep do their roots go? For me, it began early. Then I pushed it away for half a century.
In briefest synopsis, expressed below as "floetry"...
"Nature is not something to look at, it is something to experience, my Son."
My Eagle Scout father imbued this into my psyche, from almost day one.
I rolled my eyes, so much of my youth,
a deep forgotten Nature truth.
My never-camped-before mother good naturedly went along with it all,
And as a prolific artist, her unique take on Nature answered her own inner call.
Exploring loneliness, seeds of doubt, and despair;
My mother's art also spirited nature & us as one,
Reminding the illusion of separation,
Is the greatest lie to bear.
I barely noticed.
2016, year one golden thread birthed as my destiny,
I uncovered a photo of an unseen work of her art,
a depth of deep inner-peace, my mother's revealing prosperity.
What felt a self-portrait, I dubbed it "Mother Nature HeArt."
Seeing synchronicity now every where,
the rising golden threads from her hair,
I finally got the message Mom,
Nature resides inside each of us, not just that thing out there.
It is said a dream that keeps coming back is no longer a dream,
it is a calling, your DNA.
I now choose to weave threads as an Nature's artist,
To create, connect and celebrate.
An homage to my own natural calling,
Threads to reveal and liberate.

So live your life golden, your birthright, your living legacy;
Simply choose to do you, your inner-gold shining integrity.
Respect to my mom and dad, for seeding my DNA.
Goldenly for all - every day, we remember, is Happy Earth Day...