A 108 lovestyle story

Posted by Jeff Scult on

It was the middle of the night in the middle of March 2016, and I still vividly remember sitting straight up from a dream. 

Ever since founding One Golden Thread a month prior as a human connection movement, my every waking thought was consumed on creating something elemental. A symbol. Something physical to ground the movement beyond the golden threads I had begun tying on people’s wrists as a reminder that they, too, were also golden inside. This was all new to me. 

As I shot to a seated position in my bed, the message was loud and lucid: A number that had been following me around for 11 years, tapping me on the shoulder with uncanny synchronicity, was to become the grounding fulcrum of one golden thread. 


For those informed, we each receive the benevolence and beauty of this sacred number in our own way, as it threads through science, astronomy, our bodies, love-based faiths, nature, yoga and even sports (yes, there are 108 stitches in a Major League Baseball). 108 represents spiritual completeness, infinite love and inter-connectedness for all things and beings. For me, it was an elemental translation of the golden thread that connects us all. 

And yet, I love to take things apart and put them back together. (A gift from my curious artist mother). As my mind sat spinning in bed, I processed in that moment that I had been wrongly going about seeking happiness all along. 

I had spent much of my life journey seeking change the world “infinite” ventures —  8 — to feel complete. Yet I would come home unfulfilled. 

I would seek the unity of community — O — to feel held. Yet I would come home "alonely" when I wasn’t being being fueled by my extroverted engine. 

While I had heard it before, I hadn’t internalized it. If I wished infinite love (8), and unity of community (O), it would start inside me, the answers there, beginning within (1) 

1 0 8 

My seeking alchemist for the answers outside me could finally chill. 

Through a you-can’t-write-this-sh** series of synchronistic events over the coming days in seat of creation LA, the designers presented themselves to translate vision into form, followed by a transcendent jeweler to turn form into matter.  

The birth of a 108 talisman to spread the thread of infinite love. A remembrance that what’s golden begins within you. 

You are the 1. It starts with you. 

Happy 108 day. 


For the next 10.8 days (okay 11) until January 19, 2021, those who wish to spin their infinite love to the world, to ignite their inner power, to set their inner-peace, the hand-soldered in Italy OGT 108 talisman is availed to our one golden fam for $108.

Code at check out:  10821.

Avail in three draw-chord options: White Sand, Lava, and Black Onyx.

Happy spinning self-love,

Jeff, OGT catalyst  

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