Self-Permission to Pivot?
"My life opened to transcendence when I chose to listen differently. We've all heard the expression - start from your heart. The magic in my life accelerated when I went beyond that through a deep listening practice grounded in curiosity and empathy. Deeply listening, I am able to meet another where they are."

What makes you golden?
"My ability to meet another's natural savage selves, heart to heart - that is love."

Drop Of Gold?
"Don't think it. Just be it. Simply by opening your heart, it naturally pumps your positivity."

Why do you wear OGT?
"The best and softest t shirts I've ever worn."

Follow the thread: Feel your self as his music pulsates you, this set with our dear Gem & Bolt Community in Oaxaha, and follow this OGT Badassador on insta to learn more about his Le Bontanico offerings.