Interbeing: The interconnectedness of you to the nature of all things

Posted by Jeff Scult on

Everything eventually connects.
Interbeing is the Order coined by Thich Nhat Hanh that reveals the inter-connected-ness of all things, connected through our actions, feelings, thoughts, and basically everything else. That we are nature. 
The 14 precepts of Interbeing distills ancient wisdom for coming to terms with contemporary issues, for how we can live there; this timeless offering has elemented the philosophy of One Golden Thread's "nature and us as one" offerings.
We believe the greatest lie is the illusion of separation. You are never alone. And your inner-gold and always there for you.
Over the coming weeks, we will look forward to unpacking Interbeing, how it weaves into our material consciousness, with practical prescriptives of how you may consider applying to your life, each of these grounded 14 principles: 


  1. Openness

  2. Nonattachment to Views

  3. Freedom of Thought

  4. Awareness of Suffering

  5. Compassionate, Healthy Living

  6. Taking Care of Anger

  7. Dwelling Happily in the Present Moment

  8. True Community and Communication

  9. Truthful and Loving Speech

  10. Protecting and Nourishing the Sangha

  11. Right Livelihood

  12. Reverence for Life

  13. Generosity

  14. True Love

Be golden, follow the thread... 
~ jeffscult 


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